Janice Hall Heck

Finding hope in a chaotic world…

Archive for the category “NaBloPoMo”

WordPress Photo Challenge: Community

WordPress Photo Challenge: Community

Here is a community of Lighted Christmas Tree Lovers: a community is any group of people who come together for a specific purpose. In this case to admire the beautiful Christmas tree in New York City.


Meow for now... ==

Meow for now… =<^;^>=

Weekly Photo Challenge: Grand Tree, Teacup Yorkie

WP Photo Challenge: GRAND

This was once a GRAND tree…  And now there is a teeny Teacup Yorkie

Avery and the GRAND tree. Lisa Senter photo

Avery and the GRAND tree. Lisa Senter photo credit

NaBloPoMo_MoreLess - Dec


Meow for now... ==

Meow for now… =<^:^>=

Here are more GRAND pics…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Grand | Finale to an Entrance

Skywatch Friday: The Lady in the Woods

Skywatch Friday can be found here.  Friday, December 6, 2013

Skywatch Friday

Skywatch: A place to enjoy skies and views from all around the globe. Simply take a picture which includes the Sky, post that picture on your blog and then post your link at Skywatch.

I found this totally surprising scene when I parked in a different spot when visiting my brother. His neighbor hides this lovely lady in his woodsy backyard, away from general view. I wonder what the story is behind it being there.


Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge: More than Five…Down Memory Lane

Cee’s Challenges give us more fun. Scrolling through our picture files looking for matches to each photo challenge takes us down memory lane, and we smile. This week: Photos that show more than five…

My brother's truck collection...

My brother’s old truck and car collection…

More than five jars of jelly...for making sandwiches for the homeless...

More than five jars of jelly…for making sandwiches for the homeless…

Peanut butter to add to the sandwiches for the homeless...

Peanut butter to add to the sandwiches for the homeless…

Fruit display at the market...

Fruit display at the market…

Pomegranates at a street market in Ein Karem, Israel

Pomegranates at a street market in Ein Karem, Israel

More than five kinds of candy...

More than five kinds of candy at WAWA Market…

Gingerbread dolls....

Gingerbread dolls waiting for their forever home…


Santas to remind us of the Christmas holidays…

The Last Meow. (The cats always have the last word on this blog!)

There you go again, Missy Jan. Forgetting us kitties. We have rights, you know. Please post some pictures that represent our cat-e-gory. Why do we always have to remind you. Get with it, girl.  Thanks.

(Okay, okay. Here are some pictures for the kittie cat-e-gory. Happy now?)

Yes, Missy Jan. Purrfect. Thank you.

Kitty phone covers...

Kitty phone covers…

Missy Jan's kitty sock collection

Missy Jan’s kitty sock collection

Meow for now. (We are happy kitties now!)  =<^:^>=

Cee's photo challenge..logonanopoblano1

NaBloPoMo_MoreLess - Dec

WP Photo Challenge: The Unexpected Lady

NaBloPoMo – December. Post every day in December.

I parked in a different place than usual when I visited my brother one cold and gloomy November day. He wasn’t home, so I sat in my warm car waiting. As I sat, I scanned the neighborhood looking for potential blog photos and found this unexpected sight in the neighbor’s backyard behind my brother’s condominium.


I went closer to the fence to get a better view.


Daily Post: WordPress Photo Challenge: Unexpected

The Last Meow (from the cats, of course!)

Here’s an unexpected photo. Look who happens to be in the background of this photo of me. You’d think the photographer would have focused better on me since I was the true center of attention. Humans! What can you expect?

Photo credit:  etsydotcom

Photo credit: etsydotcom

Meow for Now.  =<^;^>=

NaBloPoMo 30: Fetta Komplett: Finished!

NaBloPoMo 30. The official last post of this challenge. This has been a fun run.


I tried to add a little spice with Nano Poblano.


One of my favorite things about blogging is meeting new bloggers. I load up on categories in my WordPress Reader and find new friends through NaBloPoMo, Cee’s Fun Foto Challenges, WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge, Weekly Travel Theme, A to Z Challenge, Blog Every Day, Book Reviews, and a few more.

I enjoy getting comments and “likes” from my faithful visitors. That is so encouraging.

One comment from Soesterbror at http://brorsadu.wordpress.com had me chuckling. She told me about her great-grandmother…

our lovely Great-grandmother (1888-1992) from Northern Norway said: “Fetta Komplett,” and maybe believed she spoke French.

I commented back that her comment made me think of my dear own little French grandmother, “Grannie,” who mixed English and French when she spoke to us kiddoes. I remember her clear as day, standing in front of her old wood-fired cook stove, with the family dogs Nellie, Queenie, Daisy, and Fluffy scattered around on the kitchen floor hoping for a bite to eat. Dada sat at the kitchen table reading the newspaper.

I don’t remember my Grannie saying “Fetta Komplett,” but my high school French told me that maybe “fetta komplett” meant the same as “fait accompli” or “job finished.” Sure enough, Soesterbror confirmed that.

So, today, I can say “Fetta Komplett” because I have finished my last post for NaBloPoMo 2013.  Now on to the next challenge!

In the meantime, I want to thank my most faithful commenters. Your comments always made my day. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my posts. And I have enjoyed looking at your posts, too. (Sorry Soesterbror, I can’t read yours! Special thanks for writing your comments to me in English. )

Linda Adams  http://garridon.wordpress.com/
Addercatter   http://addercatter.wordpress.com
Nina Amir  http://howtoblogabook.com/
Marilyn Armstrong at http://teepee12.wordpress.com
Blogagaini at http://blogagaini.com
Melissa K. Brander    http://mkbrander.com
Tami Clayton   at http://tamiclayton.com
Dawn at http://lingeringvisions.wordpress.com
Sheri de Grom at   http://sheridegrom.com/
Dhriti at  bloggingvlogging@outlook.com
nancyrae4 at  http://nancyhdoyle.com/
Cee Neuner  at http://ceenphotography.com
Sara Foster at http://www.sarafoster.com.au/the-blog/
frizztext at http://flickrcomments.wordpress.com/
Gaurab at Processing the Life
Glorious Mettle  http://gloriousmettle.wordpress.com
Ellen Gregory
Festival of Leaves    http://festivalofleaves.wordpress.com
Vicky Inglis   http://longingtostray.wordpress.com
Isadora at http://isadoraartandphotography.com/
Danny James  https://raleighcatdaddy.wordpress.com
Helen Jameson  http://helenjameson.wordpress.com
RFL Jenksy  http://rfljenksy.wordpress.com
Karen Mulhern  http://smallhouseBigGarden.wordpress.com
K. C. Lee
Lynne at http://Lynnesartandsoul.wordpress.com
Kim Ulmanis  http://kimulmanis.com
Kim13 at  http://kh1313.wordpress.com/
Kylie at http://thelifeofkylie.wordpress.com
MarneyMae at http://marneymae.wordpress.com
Melissa  at http://mkbrander.com/  
Nancyrae4 at Http://nancyhdoyle.com
Joanna Henley at http://www.ojosworld.com/
Open lab 2  at http://openlab2.wordpress.com
Ordibild.com  http://ordibild.com In the Middle of the Night
Liv Rancourt  http://livrancourt.com
Soester at http://brorsadu.wordpress.com
Sue at ismbishop.aol.com
Shrimp (the kat) at http://hairballexpress.wordpress.com
Cheri Speak  at http://cherispeak.com
Jack Steiner
Jodi Lea Stewart
Teresa  at http://www.thefatcactus.com
Bruce Thiesen   http://brucekthiesen.wordpress.com
Tina Schell at http://travelsandtrifles.wordpress.com/
Cathy Ulrich  at http://largeself.wordpress.com
Verena Cave  at http://verenacave.wordpress.com/
Irene Waters   http://IreneWaters19.wordpress.com
Wise Monkeys Abroad at http://wisemonkeysabroad.wordpress.com
Woolymuses   at http://woolymuses.wordpress.com
Zeke Chronicles   http://thezekechronicles.wordpress.com

And special thanks also to all those who stopped by and “liked” my blog. It would take me quite awhile to post the links to all of you…and it’s getting late. So I will post my links to you at another time.

NaBloPoMo 29. #WANAFriday. Clips and Coin (2008)

The WANAFriday prompt for this week comes from Tami Clayton.  Tami can usually be found Taking Tea in the Kasbah.

The #wanafriday blog prompt for November 29, 2013 is: Dig through your bag, couch cushions, backpack, man purse, satchel, or scan the floor of your car for the first coin you find. Look at the year printed on it and then write about what you were doing that year.
On my desk sits a small Pyrex dish with a collection of coins and clips.
Look. Right there on top. A shiny 2008 Oklahoma quarter. 2008. Five years ago. If my memory serves me correctly, in 2008 I was…well, I’d better check my picture files and see what I find there. They will jog my memory.
1. Family reunion in South Carolina
My brother Bill and sister-in-law Patty live near Charleston, South Carolina, and that seemed to be a good spot for our Kroey Krewe to gather for a reunion. Siblings came from New Jersey, Texas, Florida, and California.
Family reunion-South Carolina-2008
We enjoyed visiting various Low County plantations, salt marshes, and tidal creeks and imagined ourselves in novels set in the area.
2.  Reunion with friends in Florida.
I met up with two very special friends in Florida, Kit and Ruth, from my days of working at Hong Kong International School. In just a few days together, we caught up on all the news and formed some new memories.
We had fun on an airboat looking for wildlife in the Everglades. We were not disappointed. This fearsome fellow gave us the evil eye, warning us to get out of his territory, but he soon tired and swam away.
3. Family Time in Ocean City, NJ
Of course, we had beach and boardwalk fun at Ocean City, NJ. Cuzzies from far corners of the US got a chance to meet and play. You never know who will become a mermaid or dragon at the beach. This time it was Mandy’s friend, Hakeem who became the mermaid. Sorry about that, Hakeem.
4. Dining Out at Home
 Back at home, we dined at the local Atlantic County Community College’s Academy of Culinary Arts with our neighborhood friends from time to time. The students in the culinary program cooked, served, and chatted with us over delicious multi-course buffet dinners at the school sponsored restaurant, Careme’s. We go to Careme’s several times a year and always enjoy the exceptional food, the restaurant atmosphere, and the congenial students.
The students at the culinary school gather in the student-run restaurant, Careme's,, for cheers from the dining room guests.

The students at the culinary school gather in the student-run restaurant, Careme’s, for cheers from the dining room guests.

5. Trips to Florida.
On one of many annual trips to Florida to visit family and friends, Ken and I couldn’t pass up this photo op near Port St. Lucie on the east coast. Other times we visited North For Myers to visit Ken’s sister.
All in all, I remember 2008 as being a happy year, with good times shared with good friends and family.
Look here for another WANAFriday Writer and her coin year:
What was your best year?

NaBloPoMo 28. Thursday Thanks

Amazing how fast this year is going. November is winding down, and soon December will do the same. Where did the year go?

In many respects, it has been a good year. I am thankful I live close enough to my siblings that I have been able to assist in the care of two of them.  Sadly, one of them, MsJoanne, passed away after having multiple strokes, but she will be remembered as we celebrate Thanksgiving.

Now my brother, Adam, 80-years-old and blind, is in nursing care, his Medicare benefits being cut off this next week because he is making only minor progress in physical therapy. He has had a full, active life even though he is blind, but now he is slowing down significantly.

But good things have happened this year, too. Here are a few things that I am thankful for:

I am thankful that I belong to a strong faith community, Margate Community Church, Margate, NJ, that believes in service to others. Currently, our missions group is active in helping community members whose homes have been damaged by Superstorm Sandy in NJ. Previously, the missions group worked on-site in New Orleans (five trips) and Galveston, TX (one trip) to rehab hurricane-damaged homes.

Margate Community Church also runs a daily preschool. I walked through the colorful classrooms last week looking at the projects related to Thanksgiving. Here are a few of them.


On the altar in the church sanctuary…a cornucopia of bountiful blessings.055

Our cornucopia of blessings…too many to count: spouses, children, siblings, parents, extended families, and friends here and afar.  Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

Enjoy this song by Josh Groban found on the Armed with Truth blog site.

NaBloPoMo 27. Fragrant Anniversary Roses…One Week Later

My husband brought home the most beautiful deep yellow/peach hued roses last week for our anniversary. Their fragrance was exquisite, and they looked beautiful in an old cut-glass vase in the center of my dining-room table.

But, alas, the life of a cut flower is short. So today, as I looked at the beautiful wilted petals and drooping roses, I realized they still had a lovely fragrance. I pulled off the petals and put them in a bowl on my table.


I decided to try making a rose potpourri, so I looked for recipes on Internet. Here are several I found.

I’ll let you know how my potpourri turns out. In the meantime, I can still enjoy the color and fragrance of my anniversary gift. That makes me happy. Thanks, Dear.

The Last Meow008

Happy Anniversary, Missy Jan.

I love yellow roses, too. They make me feel happy.

Meow for now. =^;^=

P.S. Here’s a blog I like: Beth Nyland, Make Something 365. Lots of interesting things going on there!


NaBloPoMo 24. WP Photo Challenge: Unexpected at Church

 Shhh… for a little added spice….
bike in church with church bulletin riding tandem

Unexpected: bike in church with church bulletin riding tandem

The Last Meow…
I guess you didn’t expect this either, huh, Missy Jan?
WooWee. Way to go. From Elsie the Library Cat FB page.

WooWee. Way to go.
From Elsie the Library Cat FB page.

Meow for now.  =^:^=
Here are a few more unexpected responses:

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