Janice Hall Heck

Finding hope in a chaotic world…

Archive for the category “Travel”

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Rain or Rainbow

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Istanbul in the Rain… but still a nice day.  Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Rain or Rainbow

Thursday Doors – September 8, 2016

Thursday Doors – September 8, 2016

Doorway to nowhere, Mykonos Janice Heck photo

Doorway to nowhere, Mykonos, Greece

Weekly Photo Challenge: Frame


Framed by entrance to scarf and Internet Phone Center in Tuscany, Italy

Photo Blog Challenges…a Growing List

I love photo challenges, and I join in when I can. I’ve met many good photographers in these challenges, and I love seeing all the creativity that comes from responding to a new challenge word each week and even the same challenge word week after week.

Here are some challenges you might enjoy trying:

Photo Challenges by Daysilent sunday


  1. Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge
  2. Silent Sunday by Cosmic Girlie  
  3. PhotoChallenge.org
  4. Sunday Stills by Ed
  5. Northwest Frame of Mind: 1 Day 1 World Project


  1. Cee’s Share Your World
  2. Phoneography Challenge  by Sally of Lens and Pens
  3. iPhoneography Monday by Gracie Binoya

Tuesdays   petchallenge

  1. Cee’s FunFotos
  2. Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge
  3. Sonel’s Weekly Photo Challenge – B&W
  4. Frizztext A to Z Challenge (photo a week)
  5. Jennifer Nicole Wells: One Word Photo Challenge


  1. Cee’s Which Way 
  2. Wordless Wednesday
  3. Ritva’s Black and White Wednesdays
  4. The View from Right Here: Your Best Shot of the Week


  1. Lingering Look at Windows Dawn Miller
  2. Cee’s Black & White Challenge  
  3. Travel with Intent: Look Up/Look Down Challenge


  1. The Daily Post Photo Challenge
  2. Ailsa’s Weekly Travel Theme 

Every Day Photo Challenges

  1. A-Z Fund Foodie Photo Cooking ChallengeSonel's bwphotochallenge-logo-sn
  2. Photo-A-Day Challenge by Fat Mum Slim
  3. Weekly Photo Challenge   Digital Photography School

Unspecified Days

  1. A-Z Fun Foodie Photo Cooking Challenge
  2. Close-up Macro Weekly Photography Challenge
  3.  Suellewellyn A Word A Week Photography Challenge 
  4. Catholic Photo Challenge: Seeing God in the Works of Creation  
  5. Festival of Leaves                           \

Monthly Challenge

  1. Lingering Look at Architecture – 1st of the month. Dawn Miller


Your Turn:

Of course, there are probably many more photo challenges on the Internet. Add yours in the comment section, and I will add it to the list here and on my Photo Blog Challenge page.


Monkey Personality Test. Which Monkey Are You?

The San Diego Zoo keepers have posted pictures of the monkeys in their care, along with descriptions of each monkey’s personality.

Which monkey is your match?

San Diego Zoo. Photo by Janice Heck

Loretta, Team Boss. San Diego Zoo


Lana, The Director, San Diego Zoo. Janice Heck photo

Lana, The Director. San Diego Zoo


Makasi, The Negotiator. San Diego Zoo. Janice Heck photo

Makasi, The Negotiator. San Diego Zoo


Kalli, The Teenager. San Diego Zoo. Janice Heck photo

Kalli, The Teenager. San Diego Zoo


Mshumba, The Wolverine. San Diego Zoo

Mchumba, The Wolverine. San Diego Zoo

Kesi, The Princess   San Diego Zoo

Kesi, The Princess. San Diego Zoo


Erin, Tough Guy. San Diego Zoo

Erin, Tough Guy. San Diego Zoo

Mali, Little MIss. San Diego Zoo. Janice Heck photo

Mali, Little Miss. San Diego Zoo

So, which monkey are you?

The Monkeys. San Diego Zoo. Janice Heck photo

The Monkeys. San Diego Zoo.

Wait. We have one more. But this one looks a bit more like a chimp.

San Diego Zoo. Janice Heck photo

Jan: Photographer, Writer, Blogger. Intelligent. Charming. Witty. Adventurous. Independent. Need I say more?

Your Turn:

Which monkey are you? Let me know in the comments box.


logo 2.2Want to read more of my grammar posts? Go to JaniceHeckWrites.

My latest post is AAA – Avoid Apostrophe Atrocities. Or Go to Breakfast at Gary’s

See you there!

Cee’s Odd Ball Photo: Baby in a Carriage?

Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge

Janice Heck photo

Street performer in Venice


Cee’s Oddball Photo Challenge: Oddballs in Mykonos

Keep a camera handy anywhere you go and you will find oddball photo ops.

Oddball tree in Mykonos Janice Heck photo

Oddball tree in Mykonos


Mykonos Janice Heck photo

Determined plant growing through worn steps on Mykonos


Doorway to nowhere, Mykonos Janice Heck photo

Doorway to nowhere, Mykonos

Person who takes oddball photos in Mykonos

Person who takes oddball photos in Mykonos

WP Weekly Photo Challenge: FRAY

Sometimes it takes a bit of courage to enter the fray on the Accademia bridge in Venice. So many people, standing, talking, taking pictures, not moving…

Accademia Bridge, Venice

Accademia Bridge, Venice

Ah, here’s a break and a bit of time to check the signed padlocks of lovers proclaiming their undying and everlasting love for each other.

Addacemia Bridge, Venice Janice Heck photo

Accademia Bridge

Venice. A city of delights.

A Word A Week Photography Challenge: Arch

Click here for Suellewellyn’s A Word A Week Challenge.  This week’s challenge:  Arch

Janice Heck photo Istanbul

Istanbul, 2014





Blue Mosque through an arch, Istanbul

Blue Mosque through an arch, Istanbul

Travel Log, 2014. Venice, Italy: Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Travelog: Venice, 2014 The Peggy Guggenheim Collection

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection was high on my list of things to see in Venice. We arrived in this spectacular city mid-morning, checked into our hotel, and then wandered slowly but deliberately from San Marco Piazza, meandering along the calle in the general direction of the Accademia Bridge, and taking our time to view the exquisite sights on our way. I must have looked pretty silly with that grin of happiness filling my whole face as we explored the city, checking out every nook and cranny of the calle and campi we crossed. So much to see, and of course, not enough time.

Accademia Bridge over the Grand Canal, Venice

Accademia Bridge over the Grand Canal, Venice

photo, Janice Heck Accademic Bridge and padlocks of couples proclaiming their everlasting love.

Hundreds of couples proclaim their undying and everlasting love for each other by signing their names on padlocks which they lock on the railings of the bridge.

After crossing the bridge to the Dorsoduro section of Venice, we turned  left and headed to the Guggenheim Collection, zig-zagging genrally to the left on the calle until we found the museum at 701 Dorsoduro. (If you turn right at the base of the Accademia Bridge, you will find the Gallerie dell’Accademia, a museum housing Venetian art. It’s a museum well worth visiting.)

Entrance to the Guggenheim courtyard

Entrance to the Guggenheim courtyard

Peggy Guggenheim (1898-1979), niece and heiress of mining magnate Solomon R. Guggenheim, collected modern art in Europe and America at the beginning of and through WWII. Her home, the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, built in the 1750s on the Grand Canal, was never finished by its original owner who had intended it to be a grand four-story masterpiece. Venetians have nicknamed this structure Il Palazzo Nonfinito (the unfinished palace). Guggenheim purchased the one-story building in 1949 and used it as her home as well as a museum for her extensive modern art collection.

Exterior courtyard of the Guggenheim museum

Exterior courtyard of the Guggenheim museum

Guggenheim encouraged and supported many young modern artists (Henry Moore, Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, Vasily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, just to name a few) by collecting and displaying their artwork. She married Max Ernst, also a contemporary artist whose artwork can be seen in the gallery and courtyard at the Guggenheim.

For Your Eyes Only, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, photo by Janice Heck

Current Exhibit: For Your Eyes Only, Mannerism to Surrealism


A man sits and contemplates a piece of sculpture in the Nasher Sculpture Garden (added in 1995)

A man sits and contemplates a piece of sculpture in the Nasher Sculpture Garden (added in 1995) in the center courtyard at the Guggenheim Collection.


Max Ernst (1898-1986) Dans les rues d'Athenes

Max Ernst (1891-1976) In the Streets of Athens (Dans les rues d’Athenes) Bronze, 1960


Henry Moore Sculptue, Janice Heck, photo

Henry Moore (1898-1986) Three Standing Figures (Tre Figure in Piedi) Bronze, 1953


A Calder sculpture on the terrace of the Guggenheim Collection.

A Calder sculpture on the terrace of the Guggenheim Collection on the Grand Canal


A school group visits the museum

A school group visits the museum and hears about Alexander Calder’s life and art while sitting under one of his mobiles.


Philosophy on the wall at the Guggenheim

Our visit to the Guggenheim Collection was everything I expected it to be and more. To be in the galleries viewing the artwork of such well-known artists of the Cubism, Surrealism, and Abstract Expressionism movements was thrilling, and I definitely want to visit again.

Don’t miss this museum if you visit Venice. You only need a few hours to enjoy the gardens and the galleries. (Yes, I know, you could do some of this artwork yourself! I heard that comment at the museum. But you haven’t, have you? And you won’t, will you?)

Go and enjoy Peggy Guggenheim’s Collection. Your college arts and humanities professor will be proud of you.

Click here for a delightful video peek at the Guggenheim Collection.

For my other posts on Venice, click on the titles below.

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