Janice Hall Heck

Finding hope in a chaotic world…

I is for Invented Spelling of Kids and Cats

a-to-z-letters-2013A to Z Challenge: I-Daycrayons

Little children love to write. They pick up a crayons, markers, pencils, or pens and start out scribbling, and sooner or later, their scribbles start to look like shapes and squiggly letters.

This is all part of the early childhood developmental process. Just as they learn to crawl first, then walk, children go through developmental stages as they learn to speak and write.

kids writing 1

After scribbles, they make strings of letters as they tell a story about a picture. Later, they write one consonant letter to represent a word. The parent or teacher can’t yet read the story, but the child can read it back without hesitation.

Still later, the children become more proficient with beginning and  ending consonants and a few vowels. They write stories that are a bit more understandable to the adult reader.

001 (10)

(Me and my best friend sledding downhill with my friend’s dad. His made a jump for us.)

Educators use the term inventive spelling or invented spelling because children use the letters they know to create their stories even before they have formal spelling instruction. Yet this early writing clearly shows that the children are using the phonics they have learned directly or indirectly. Children whose parents have read to them a lot often have some nonphonetic “sight words” under their control, too.

Later, as they learn some rules for spelling and writing, their sentence patterns may become a bit choppy.  Their writing reflects their oral language patterns and may omit punctuation.

I want to play NO you can’t go out to play You were a bad girl.

Finally, children put their phonics knowledge, sight word knowledge, oral language, and punctuation skills together, and they begin to write stories adults can read. While there still may be errors in punctuation and capitalization, this next writer has reached the level where he can communicate through writing, and this is the ultimate goal of spelling and writing.

circusOn Saturday mom, Dad and I went to the circus. The ring master announced the acts. We saw a lion tamer put his head in the lion’s mouth. Then some acrabats swung on the trapeze up in the air. My favorite act was the one where the clowns ran around and tripped each other.

This developmental process is not level across the ages. One of the great surprises that I had when I first began teaching was the great range of ability and achievement in a single classroom.  There were always some children well ahead of grade level and some children that lagged behind grade level. This is the constant challenge that teachers face: how to meet the needs of all of these individual children and their widely varying achievement levels. It is honestly exhausting, but teachers do it day after day. And they still smile.

At any rate, teachers encourage children to write using whatever knowledge of phonetics they have at any given time. The more they practice sounding out words, the better they will get. And that’s really what invented spelling is: sounding out words using the sound-letter knowledge (phonetics) already known to the child. How exciting to compare a child’s writing sample from the beginning of the school year and the end of the school year. (This is why child portfolios of classroom work are so valuable for teachers and parents.)

Parents sometimes don’t understand the term invented spelling. I think the word “invented” sometimes throws them off. I like to call this type of spelling “early phonetic spelling.”

So what. Who cares?

Teachers care. I give a special hand to teachers for their hard work in the classroom. As a teacher, then later as an administrator, I was deeply impressed with the dedication and care teachers demonstrated on a daily basis. I am retired now, but teachers still hold a special place in my heart.

Teachers know and understand child developmental levels and know how to work with each child at his or her own level. They can read a piece of children’s writing and peg their phonetic levels based on the type of writing the child displays. They plan their lessons based on these trained observations of student writing. This is teaching at its best.

Take a look at this very well-done  “Message to Parents from Your Child’s Teacher” by Christine McCartney. It has an important message for parents about education.

The Last Meow

cat grammar5Cat memes have become quite popular on Internet. Cat spelling and grammar have even developed rules for correctness (with variations, of course). Cats have fairly consistent syntax (sentence structure), but there spelling is still….well, at the inventive level. However, I think this is primarily due to their independent natures, their own desire to remain in control, and finally, their desire to do whatever the heck they please. And what can you, the adult, do about this? Nothing. Nada. Nil. Fageddaboutit. Cats win every time. They are, after all, the superior race.

=<^.^>=  Meow for now.

cat- bleah

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11 thoughts on “I is for Invented Spelling of Kids and Cats

  1. This really helps me understand more about my younger son, who has both speech delay and high-functioning autism. He’s in 8th grade now and he reads well, struggling occasionally with an unfamiliar word. The tricky part is that while he sounds good, his actual comprehension level is about two grades behind. I ask him if he understands what the unfamiliar words mean and we go back and forth until I’m sure he understands.

    • Good for you for taking so much time to work with your son. Act out some of the words for him, or have him act out the words. That might help him remember more of the words. I am sure there is a great kid in there who appreciates how much you help him. You probably already pick out the unfamiliar words ahead of time (before he reads). If not, that is a good strategy, too. Then when he hits the word again, he might remember it.

  2. Wonderful post! Teachers deserve so much credit for their dedication to children’s reading, writing, and drawing skills. And, as always, parents who read to their kids give them an intellectual leg-up for life! Thanks for you insight and great kitties.

  3. I’m visual spatial, and I was reading a book on VS learners (not a lot out there, I’m afraid). One of the things they said was that VS learners don’t learn by sounding out the individual letters — they go for the whole word because they can associate it with a picture. But sounding out “Sh” or “ca” doesn’t have any pictures. It’s also easy for a VS to learn how to pronounce a word wrong. There are several words to this day that I can never pronounce correctly.

    • I’m a visual learner, too. I have trouble with phone numbers until I punch out the pattern on a keyboard. Then I can remember it. Odd, isn’t it. Learning styles affect many children, and clever teachers learn to look out for clues to learning style and approach the children in the appropriate manner. Unfortunately it takes training and a bit of intuition to do this quickly.

  4. Pingback: J is for Jabberwocky and Invented Words | JaniceHeck

  5. Pingback: L is for List of A to Z Challenge Posts, 2013, by Janice Heck | JaniceHeck

  6. Pingback: Dear Readers: On Flying Deeper into the Blogosphere | JaniceHeck

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