Janice Hall Heck

Finding hope in a chaotic world…

Versatile Blogger Award

What a thrill to be selected by my writing peer, Elaine Smothers, to receive this Versatile Blogger Award.

This award encourages bloggers to read and support other bloggers. It is gives tangible recognition to the time and effort it takes to develop and maintain a blog. It also emphasizes WANA: We Are Not Alone in this blogging world! Kristen Lamb has helped to ensure that! Read all about it in Kristen’s book We Are Not Alone:The Writer’s Guide to Social Media.

I met Elaine in Kristen Lamb’s WANA112 blog group, and I have followed her blog ever since she and Forrest started it.

Who is Forrest? I’m glad you asked.

Forrest is Elaine’s very capable, red-eyed assistant.

(BTW Forrest, I see that you have already received this prestigious Versatile Blogger Award. It suits you. It matches your skin tones in the most serendipitous way! But that red flower, oh my, how it accentuates your dreamy eyes. And look at that lovely red glow on your tummy. You are so talented! You know just what colors will emphasize your natural beauty. Have you considered a life calling as a color consultant? You could become as famous as that walking-talking gecko with the Aussie accent that sells insurance. Just saying…)

See how distracting Forrest is? He is just so darn cute!

Now back to business. The Versatile Blogger Award is passed around from blogger to blogger in a spirit of camaraderie and mutual support. The three guidelines are easy to follow:

First. Thank the person who gave you the award and link to their blog. Done! Thanks again, Elaine and Forrest.

Second. Nominate 15 blogs that you enjoy and present this prestigious award to them.

This is a bit tricky as we bloggers tend to read a lot of blogs. But here are my 15 bloggers. Some are WANA friends, some  are A-to-Z Challenge friends, some are travel friends,  some I met in random ways (like reading blogs with interesting names or loglines), others have been recommended by blogger pals.

  1. LitKid (10 years old) and AKid@Heart  2 girls lost in a book (a daughter/mother duo)
  2. Katy Manck,  BooksYALove
  3. Kate Messmer,  Nerdy Book Club
  4. KidLitFrenzy
  5. Ana Romero,  English Diary: I’m Learning English
  6. The Blissful Adventurer   Professional Eater and Storyteller
  7. Bob Scotney    Bob’s Home for Writing
  8. Gail M. Baugniet    Sister-in-Crime
  9. Jacqui Talbot  Choctaw Tales and more
  10. Shout with emaginette    Live Life and Shout About It!
  11. Sonia G. Medeiros      Doing the Write Thing
  12. Betsy Duffey and Laurie Myers  Writing Sisters
  13. Snigdha           Get Set and Go
  14. Brian and Shannon    Everywhere Once
  15. Linda Adams       Soldier, Storyteller

Last task, tell 7 random things about myself.  Here goes.

1. Born a South Jersey farm girl, I have lived outside New Jersey more than I have lived in it. I went off to college at age 18 and returned to SJ when I reached retirement age. Can a little farm girl from South Jersey find success in the big outside world? Well, yes.

2. Cold weather is not my favorite, but I did live in Alaska for ten years. After an administrative internship at Paul Banks Elementary School in Homer, Alaska, I became an assistant principal at Soldotna Elementary, then the principal at North Star Elementary in Nikiski, Alaska. Yes, we used American money in Alaska! (Can you believe someone actually asked me that?)

3. So what do you do in Alaska in the dead of winter? You join groups.  An actress I am not, but I once played a lead role in a small-town production of “The Most Eligible Bachelor in Town.” I was that hussy who was after the bachelor (actually, he was already my husband, but no matter). This was the production of the year in the tiny Anchor Point, Alaska theater group. As I recall, we had two performances. I don’t remember whether the crowd stood up to give a standing ovation, or if they just needed to stand up to get their heavy winter coats on. We’ll just say we had a supportive crowd! We had fun anyway. The theater group disbanded soon after this star performance.

4. I prefer hot weather over cold. After Alaska, I moved to Hong Kong to be principal in the Lower Primary Division, Hong Kong International School. With over 700 children ages 4 to 8 in my division, I kept pretty busy. I worked with an incredible bunch of talented teachers and loved almost every minute of it. Being in Hong Kong allowed me to explore Southeast Asia. Gotta blog about that one day.

5. Blogging is a relatively new interest for me. I love to read blogs about travel, cooking, food, writing, blogging, nonfiction books, YA, KidLit, education, technology, and more. I also love photo blogs. And I did survive the A to Z Blog Challenge in April (writing 26 posts in 30 days), but my normal posting will probably range between eight and twelve postings a month.

6. Gardening is fun, but I do not have a green thumb. Something eats the roots of my plants, and they wither and die soon after I plant them. I do have one straggly houseplant that has miraculously survived for eight years. Of course, my husband has to water it now and then, but what else could he do in his spare time? The silk plants do well, but they do get a bit dusty. (Watering plants doesn’t leave much time for dusting.)

7. Did I mention that I love cats? Well, I do. I currently don’t have one because I like to travel, but when I grow up and settle down, I’ll probably get one.

Now I look forward to reading new blogs suggested by my 15 Versatile Bloggers. Happy blogging everyone. Remember WANA!

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13 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award

  1. WOW, South Jersey to Alaska to Hong Kong? I didn’t know you were so well traveled. Really enjoyed reading your 7 random things that I never knew about you! And Forrest wanted me to tell you he’s truly flattered. 😉

    • Thanks, Elaine. I do love to travel! And please don’t tell Forrest about my secret crush on him. I might think he has a fan club with other crushettes clamoring for him.

  2. How interesting, Janice, Alaska and Hong Kong. I’m a Canadian, so can relate to cold temperatures. I so appreciate summer.

    I’ve visited Beijing, but only for a whirlwind week. At one point I thought this could be Toronto, but that’s only one aspect, high-rises and highways. I loved the culture and history and the peace of Fung Shui.

    • Sharon, I appreciate warm weather more than cold, but I didn’t mind it that much when I was in Alaska. It was a “dry” cold, and that did make a difference.
      It is fun to explore other cultures, and I did enjoy Hong Kong very much. Thanks for your comment.

  3. I enjoyed getting to know you a bit more through your 7 random things. You’ve had some amazing experiences! Can’t wait to read more about them some day soon.

    • Thanks, Tami. I’m enjoying getting to know other WANAmates, too. This blog awards help. I have found some good blogs just by checking blog awards posted by others. Always nice to see a note from you!

  4. Loved reading your 7 question

    • Er, phone cut me off and posted early! Was gonna say, cats are quite independent and don’t mind if you travel 🙂

      • True about cats being independent. But the deal is…if I get a cat, then my husband gets a dog…and that’s the problem. Oh well, sooner or later I will find a wee one that needs a home.

  5. Congrats on receiving the VB Award! You deserve it. I love your writing and your photos. Thanks for sharing more about your very interesting life!

  6. Oh my gosh, Janice, but I’m so very happy that you are a Versatile Blog winner, since it’s allowed us this look into your most fascinating life! Wowsa wow, Alaska, Hong Kong, and the ever wonderful South Jersey!!! (I moved from NY to North Jersey right after high school–met my husband. had my four children… a wonderful life amongst wonderful people before hubby’s job carried us off to PA.)

    Wonderful knowing these tidbids about you. It certainly makes you that much more “real” as we mingle here in WANA paradise 😀

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