Janice Hall Heck

Finding hope in a chaotic world…

Five Great Writing Blogs

BlogEverday[1]Blog Every Day in May Prompt: Five of Your Favorite Blogs

Five Favorite Blogs?
Impossible. I have five favorite blogs in each of many categories: writing, blogging, photography, travel, hiking, cooking, YA, children’s literature, nonfiction writing, and more. I collect blog links in my WordPress Reader and try to read through them as often as I can, sometimes daily.
Yes, I know, it is a form of procrastination, but it is also supportive to my writer friends. How’s that for justification?
So I’ll do several posts over a period of time (undesignated) in which I name my favorite bloggers in these other categories as well.
I’ll start with my five favorite writing blogs:
1. Victoria Grefer at Creative Writing with the Crimson League and at VictoriaGrefer.   thecrimsonleague
A New Orleans girl, Victoria has written five novels including the Herezoth Trilogy: The Crimson League (Book 1), The Magic Council (Book 2), and The King’s Son (Book 3).
While I don’t consider myself a fan of fantasy writing, I do enjoy the writing tips that Victoria posts on this creative writing blog. She writes about character development, dialogue, and plot, a well as outlines, first drafts, marketing, and so much more. Her tips help you look more critically at your own writing and can be applied to both fiction and nonfiction. Besides, Victoria loves cats, and that gives her bonus points in my book.

Here’s one of Victoria’s posts: Bloggers-Authors: The Benefits of Simple Style and Structure in Your Writing.

2. Ellen Gregory: to beyond and backEllen Gregory
Ellen, an Aussie from Melbourne, works in communications, specializing in science, technology, engineering, and specialist industry sectors. If that isn’t enough, she writes fantasy fiction. Her blog posts covers three themes: A to Z Fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons Chronicles, and Feeding the Muse (everyday inspiration). Yes, of course, Ellen has a cat.

Here’s a link to a Dungeons and Dragons post and another on Building Fantastical Worlds. These will make you want to read more of Ellen’s posts.

3. Tami Clayton, Taking Tea in the Kasbah
Tami is a YA and Middle Grades writer who loves to travel. I met her in Kristin Lamb’s WANA Group (We Are Not Alone) over a year ago. Here’s my favorite post on Tami’s blog: If You Give A Writer a TAmi ClaytonBrownie. And here’s another: Six Secrets Parents of Special Needs Children Have But Don’t Tell You.

Oh, did I mention that Tami loves cats? She builds their self-esteem by telling them frequently, “good job being a cat.” I can see that her cats rule the roost!

4.  Linda Adams: Soldier, Storyteller
I met Linda in the A to Z Challenge where she wrote a writing rule for each letter of the alphabet. Here are a couple of them: Rule D: Discipline Yourself to Write, and L: Never Stop Learning about Writing.Linda Adams

Linda served our country in the army for twelve years and was deployed in the first Persian Gulf War. Now she writes action-adventure-fantasy thrillers for our midnight reading habits. Her short story, “Six Bullets” can be found in the anthology, A Princess, A Boatman, and a Lizard: Forward Motion Anthology, 2012.

I don’t know if Linda has a cat of her own, but she posts a ton of pictures of cuddly felines on Facebook. These give me many smiles. Thanks, Linda.

5. Lillian C: Hopes and Dreams: My Writing and My Sons
I met Lillian early on in the Blog Every Day In May Challenge and have enjoyed her writing. I especially liked this post about her lillian c 2sons: Controlled Chaos. Her writing touched my heart with its vulnerability, sincerity, and honesty. She is a professional writer who lives in Northern California with her husband and two sons, and she writes fantasy. Her story, “On the Wings of the Wind” appears in this anthology, 100 Wicked Little Witch Stories.

The Last Meow

Phew. I am really tired. I need a nap. (Thinks, Linda, for sharing this picture.)  Meow for now.  =<^;^>=

cat sleeping

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8 thoughts on “Five Great Writing Blogs

  1. Wow – thanks so much for the shout-out, Janice. That means a lot to me. For someone who professes not to read fantasy, you sure do read a few of our blogs! 🙂 I hope you do give it a try one day.

    I asked my devilcat if she wanted to say hi, but she just growled at me and said she’d be nice only when she got to write another post… (Have you checked out her blog? It’s been dormant for a few years now, because I banned her from the computer, but she was quite loquacious for a while there. See here if you’re interested: http://chennadevilcat.blogspot.com.au/ ) Anyway, sometimes I let her guest post on my current blog, and she’s lobbying for another go!

    • HO. I’ll have to check out chennadevilcat’s blog. Sounds like fun. I did note that, hey, these bloggers are almost all fantasy writers. Maybe I need to read some of their stuff. I guess my time limits (and blogging) keep me in the nonfiction realm. But this summer, I’m gonna sit back and read FANTASY!

  2. Enjoyed the post! I’ll definitely check the links, particularly Tami Clayton (love travel)!

  3. Thanks for the lovely mention, Janice! I’m honored to be one of the blogs you enjoy reading and in your list of great writing blogs. I’ve really been enjoying your daily posts (even if I haven’t been commenting as of late). I’m so impressed you’re able to do two months of posting nearly every day!

    • Thanks, Tami. I do fall a bit behind in the posting in the Blog Every Day, but I do enjoy it. It’s hard to keep up with commenting on other blogs when posting every day. Would your rather comment on a blog or make your evening snack? Sometimes the snack wins.

  4. Thanks for the great shout-out, Janice. I had cats growing up, but don’t have any now, so I live through the photos.

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